Donate to Invest in Cambodian Youth

‘Where Needed Most’

The greatest gift you can give is an unrestricted gift. Please allow us to apply your generosity where it is most needed. An unrestricted gift provides us the flexibility to respond to timely needs prioritized by the youth we work with. It also allows us to creatively leverage other funds and investments made by our partners and supporters

Become a JWOC Monthly
Giving Champion!

Monthly donors help us focus more of our time and effort on the students we support. By making a recurring donation, you are enabling young people in Cambodia to feel more confident and equipped to fulfill their educational journey at JWOC and beyond.


Cover the learning materials for one student for one month 


Help us provides tailored coaching and counselling services for students who need additional support 


Enables to help us to run career guidance sessions, such as mock interviews and CV writing 


Supports 21st century leadership skills classes for the youth enrolled on our programs

Better Futures

Students from local high schools can join classes, workshops and projects designed to complement their state school studies. JWOC will help them make informed decisions about their options after finishing school, whether it is employment, vocational training or university.


An Opportunity

Support a student for 1 year, giving them access to Career guidance, Life skills, English and Computer classes at our Learning Center.


A Better Future

Enable a High School student to complete our Better Futures Program, giving them an opportunity to take charge of their future, and equip themselves with everything they need to make it better.


With the help of our donors, JWOC awards university scholarships to young people in Siem Reap who have a desire to pursue higher education and help their community. JWOC enhances their university experience by helping them become change-makers and preparing them for skilled employment after graduation.


JWOC Full Scholarship & Enhanced Support

This complete scholarship package enables one student to go to university by covering their tuition fees and textbooks for one year.  JWOC provides enhanced programming covering English proficiency, computer literacy, life skills, career guidance and youth leadership. 

Wraparound JWOC services include the recruitment process, home evaluation visit, referral for other services (mental health counseling, healthcare), events  (annual team building, graduation ceremony) and administrative costs. 

After the annual recruitment and selection process you will be introduced to your student, learn about their background and receive periodic updates throughout their university education.


JWOC Half Scholarship & Enhanced Support

Your gift will be paired with another donor to provide a full scholarship for one student for one year. After the annual recruitment and selection process you and your paired donor will be introduced to your student, learn about their background and receive periodic updates throughout their university education.


by Check

Click Here
to download our contribution form to send with your check.
If you would like a tax receipt, please include your email address.

Bank Transfer,
Gift of Stock or Bequest

In the US, Journeys Within Our Community can accept gifts of stock and/or bequests. For details, please email [email protected]
If you wish to make a bank transfer, please email [email protected] for our account information.

Journeys Within Our Community is a tax-exempt non-profit charitable organization under section 501(c)(3) of the US tax code (Tax ID #47-0953817). All contributions are tax-deductible in accordance with US tax law. JWOC is also a registered not-for-profit organization in Cambodia.