Sochea has been involved with JWOC for 2 years now, first as a Free Classes Support Officer and now as JWOC Scholarship Student. She loves to participate in various JWOC events and contributes her time to support the Scholarship Program Coordinator.

Sochea reflects on her time at JWOC so far and the lessons she has learned!


I first heard about JWOC when I was in high school during the sharing event at Kralanh High school. Then, I heard about the job announcement from my co-worker, and I was really interested and applied for the Free Classes Support Officer position. The most important lesson that I have learned from JWOC is communication, teaching and interviewing English students. I communicated with all scholarship students who work in the Free Classes program. I learned how to teach students, especially children. I also learned how to interview the students.

All these tasks are very helpful for me. Students and community are the ones who influence me because I really want to see this community and young children grow up with a good quality of education. I want to see this community develop further more. My favorite thing in JWOC is working with a warm working place especially JWOC staff are very helpful. I love working with potential people like scholarship students and with children as well. DSCF0837

I have many memories with JWOC as we have teacher development workshop, scholarship camping and staff team building. These kinds of activities are to make staff, scholarship students and me closer than. We work as a family. We care for each other. My next step is to finish my bachelor degree and apply for a scholarship to study abroad with my master degree. JWOC is a good place which provides an opportunity for people who is passionate to learn and improve themselves.

I also would love to say thank you to JWOC for giving me this opportunity and continued to support me with my university fee. JWOC helped me to learn and grow. This is very meaningful for me and pushes me to reach my dream goals easier. JWOC is a warm family to me with a good support and advise.


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