
Chum Reap Sure, I am Phally and I am a fresh graduate from the University of South East Asia in Hotel and Tourism Management! The past 4 years at JWOC have helped me in so

ymany different ways. I first heard about JWOC from a friend who was a JWOC Scholarship Student, she encouraged me to come to JWOC and apply, and I was so happy when I received a scholarship!

During my time as a Scholarship Student, I joined the Community Support Program as a facilitator. This program made me more confident as I had to deliver trainings and work with people who were older than me. I was able to have stronger communication with others because I was always working with a large group of people. This program also taught me how to analyse data as we are constantly collecting surveys and in this way, I was able to understand how important it is for your work to always have a positive impact.

aOne of the biggest lessons I learned from the Community Support Program was teamwork. I made close friendships with other students after working together for the past 4 years, we also came to respect each other as well. Now when I go to the villages to work, I do not consider it as work, but I feel as though I am going to see my friends and I always enjoy myself.



These past 4 years at JWOC holds different memories, I really enjoyed the workshops because I was able to learn new skills which I now use for my work. I have had the best experience being a JWOC Scholarship student and I can honestly say JWOC is my second family.

For all the new Scholarship Students who will join the program, make sure you work hard. JWOC is not a hard place but it will push you to grow and learn more. Be friendly to each other, and make sure you are committed to the work you do and to your education.

I will miss JWOC but I know wherever I go, JWOC will always be in my heart.




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