50 year ago Cambodia had a really good education system. Many people have been educated well because there were many schools and universities which produced many positive resources for the society and the country. This bright time in Cambodia’s history wasn’t to last, soon the darkness came and Pol Pot’s regime eradicated education from Cambodian society.
We know education can be the catalyst for change; with education people can develop from having nothing to being creative, knowledgeable and understanding the world around them.
Our new intake of Scholarship students for 2014
That is why our current young generation are trying hard to educate themselves so they can achieve their future goals and help their communities. Unfortunately, it is not a level playing field and some students have more than others when it comes to opportunities and chances to learn.
If there is one common goal among our young generation it is to try their best to educate themselves fully and that means going to university, they need this to survive in the world and achieve their goals.
With the help of our generous donors, this year JWOC has been able to help 22 students have a chance to change their life. Not just giving them a scholarship to go to university but teaching them how to prosper within their community, including study skills, work skills and developing their personal goals.
This years scholarship process – Tom and Vantha interviewing candidates
Vantha checking with references from the students applications
Home visits, the last stage of the scholarship process before students are granted a JWOC scholarship
I am extremely  excited to be part of the scholarship program.  I can see how much the program can change the students’ lives to be better and better compared to their current situations, especially when they are getting to the age where they have to deal with many problems around them that come with growing up.

 As you can see on their family members’ faces, they are so happy to see their children receiving support so they can continue moving forward and grow with the help of education. I believe that these children can become future leaders. Here at JWOC we are building a strong generation for the future of our communities and society.
 Konthea, a new scholarship student with her family

Sokhea, a new scholarship student with his family

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